
Speed Limit | Xbox One Review

Very few games have given me a short, maddening addiction that have left me clamouring for the next taste. However, I believe I have found one that scratched that itch for a short period of time. Speed Limit from the developers at Gamechuck have put together a game that is both fast-paced and intense, and pushes my brain to the limit of insanity. With that being said, let’s take a dive into a game that blends together multiple genres and also provides a unique niche for speed run fanatics.

Speed Limit

Where’s The Meat

I always like to take a quick look at the story of games first, yet with this game it’s going to be a hard thing to do. In the beginning of the game, your character is riding on a train car and, after a loud crash, a disheveled man walks up to you and falls down. You are immediately met on both sides by armed enemies who begin attacking you. As you pick up the gun, the man drops and immediately things go berserk. You take off running and never look back. Even though there isn’t much of a story, there is a very interesting payoff in the end.

An Ever Changing Game

Speed Limit is a very easy game to start off with playwise. Your character moves from left to right across the screen, and you can fire your weapon in front of you or behind. You also have obstacles that come at you, in which you have to react to them by other ducking under them or jumping over. What makes this game fairly interesting is each level transforms into a new style. The first level is very much a runner, but later on you will run into a shmup level, a driving level, and even some air combat. Speed Limit will definitely keep you on your toes, and as the game progresses it keeps your mind sharp. 

Now, what separates Speed Limit from the rest of the pack is it meant to be a speed running game. Each run through this game can be done in well under an hour. I have played through the game multiple times on varying difficulties, and have been able to complete them in that timeframe. There is definitely some enemy spawn memorization that needs to be done as well. The game also does keep track of how many times you die and how many enemies you take out. This is really a fun little addition to the speed running element as well and gives the game a fun arcade style element addition. 

Speed Limit

That Old School Chaos

While Speed Limit feels like another 8-bit style game, the developers have done a very good job with pushing the limits of how the game looks. With the progression, each level looks crisp and interesting. Which, for the very manic style gameplay, feels almost like a necessity. I absolutely loved staring at all the different background scenes and objects flying by as I traversed through each level. Also the music and sound effects that accompany the game are fun and feel like they belong in this runner stylized universe. Which is an amazing accomplishment for a game that could grind on some players nerves very quickly. 

Sometimes You Stumble

Now every game does come with some downfalls, and Speed Limit for me did have a few. The game is fairly short but it is meant to be that way. With that being said, I do wish it was just a little bit longer. Speed Limit can also come across as maddeningly difficult for players that have not played a runner style game before. A few different times I actually found myself getting fairly frustrated, but after a short grind and some memorization I was able to get past those points. I also wish the story was a bit more fleshed out for players. There are also a few spots in the game where you do feel cheated when you die, but majority of the time if you die it was probably your fault.

Speed Limit

In The End…

While Speed Limit is far from a perfect game, I enjoyed playing it very much. I will continue to play it and try to get my time score even lower. Speed Limit would also be a fun game to torment a friend with at a get together. With addicting gameplay and an interesting niche, I actually hope that the game gets a sequel in some form from the same developer. If you are looking for a fun little arcade style ride or even a game to get into speed running, this is something that you should check out. Just be prepared to tear your hair out in frustration at times or even yell at your TV.

This review is based on an Xbox Series X copy of Speed Limit provided by Chorus Worldwide for coverage purposes. It is also available on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows.

Speed Limit


The Final Verdict



  • Super Addicting for Some
  • Super Fun Concept
  • A Twist in the End that Is Worth It


  • Can Be Super Frustrating
  • Is a Short Game

Chris Behrensmeyer

From the moment Chris laid hands on his Atari 2600, he was addicted. As a kid, one of his absolute favorite games was “Space Invaders”, and he could beat anyone who challenged his top score. He is passionate about preserving video game history and sharing his love of all things gaming with the current and future generations. Chris has been a previous guest host and contributing writer for The Gaming Outsider. He enjoys The GO Community because it is a tight-knit group that loves sharing a mutual love for games (and occasionally other topics). A true American superhero, Chris works as a Paramedic/Firefighter when he’s not podcasting. He also has two young boys with whom he loves hanging out, and he loves traveling and reading sci-fi, fantasy, and basic physics. Oh, and he doesn’t like chocolate candy.

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