
Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly | PS5 Review

For roughly a decade straight, I was a barista. I have fond memories from that time, but I’ve been away for a few years now. Luckily, Toge Productions has released Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly allowing me to relive my glory days. With only marginally more vampires.

Coffee Talk Episode 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly

Coffee and Raindrops

The best part of Coffee Talk was its chill atmosphere, and that is no different in the sequel. Relaxing with your various supernatural buddies and learning about their lives is the highlight of the experience. Many characters return from the first game, alongside plenty of new faces. I hope you’re brushed up on your knowledge of the first game, though, because Coffee Talk 2 does absolutely nothing to refresh your memory or bring you up to speed.

Coffee Talk Episode 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly

Your barista protagonist feels slightly more interwoven into the lives of the patrons this time around. There’s an inventory mechanic where customers might leave something behind or ask you to give another customer an item. It sounds small in theory, but it can actually have some sizable ramifications in how the plot unfolds. It’s difficult not to feel like an asshole when a character can’t get into their apartment because you forgot to give them their keys back. Conversely, it feels pretty great helping two customers become closer than ever because you helped slip a business card from one to the other. Each character has a gripping narrative to follow, and this mechanic brings you one step closer into their lives. 

Lo-Fi Chill

The coffee system remains relatively the same from the first game. You choose three ingredients and how they should be mixed, thus creating a surprising variety of delectable concoctions. Differing amounts of milk or espresso can result in the difference between a latte or cappuccino, and the more fun ingredients can result in drinks I’ve never heard of. There’s a fun challenge in trying to create the exact drink your customer is only vaguely describing. It really brings me back to those halcyon coffee shop days of mine.

Coffee Talk Episode 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly

Ultimately, I’m happy to report Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly is much the same quality as the original. I was worried that with the unfortunate death of Mohammad Fahmi (the creator of Coffee Talk) during development, this sequel would feel very different. But his legacy and his characters live on strong. The localized text remains occasionally wonky, but nonetheless these are great characters that you want to hang out with. If you just want a relaxing visual novel to spend several hours with, you could do a lot worse.

To hear me talk more about Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly, be sure to listen to the May 24, 2023 episode of The Gaming Outsider podcast around the 1:13:31 time stamp.

This review is based on a PlayStation 5 copy of Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly provided by Stride PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, GamePass, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam and GOG.

Coffee Talk Episode 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly


The Final Verdict



  • Great Characters and Branching Stories
  • Excellent World to Spend Time In
  • Provides a Chill and Relaxing Atmosphere
  • Compelling Inventory System


  • Occasionally Wonky Translations
  • Does Nothing to Refresh Your Memory
  • The Latte Art System Is Useless

Zack Parkerson

Zack is a proud Chicagoan and even prouder gamer. He’s been gaming since his grandpa put an Atari joystick in his hand to play Outlaw. Owning as many consoles as possible since then, he’s never slowed down in playing as many games as he can. He loves his girl, maybe even as much as he loves his PlayStation. When he's not too busy worshipping at the altar of all things Yoko Taro and DrakeNieR, you can find him weekly on The Gaming Outsider's flagship podcast.

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