
Still Joking | Steam Deck Review

If I see the magic phrase “murder mystery” used to describe pretty much any kind of media, I’m instantly intrigued. Add in a heaping dose of science-fiction elements, dark humor, and a choose-your-own adventure narrative style and I’m completely sold. Purple Brick Games’ Still Joking fits this mold perfectly. No single player will have the exact same playthrough, and I’m tempted to play through again to see how I can shape the story differently.

Into the Mirror

You are Iris, the reflection of famous movie actress Serena Elsie. Iris adores the woman she reflects, and is heartbroken when Serena is murdered in front of her dressing room mirror. After Iris regains consciousness in the universe of reflections she resides in, she’s quickly consoled for her loss. Then, just like in our modern society, she’s instantly hustled off to find a job and become a productive member of society. You gotta love not being able to heal emotionally after a traumatic incident.

Still Joking

If you detected a hint of sarcasm in that last sentence, then you have a taste of what the dialogue is like in Still Joking. Iris is constantly cracking jokes and serving side-eye, despite being heartbroken and feeling adrift. Her personality is one of the main catalysts of the game and the choices you can make are based around this trait of hers. While Iris comes to terms with being her own individual person now, you shape her destiny. Do you investigate the murder of Serena further? How about flirting with one of your co-workers instead? It’s all up to you.

Who Am I?

Gameplay mostly revolves around visual novel aspects, with the occasional requirement of choosing which route you want to take Iris on through dialogue options. You don’t directly control her movements, but you can choose which location she goes to or who she involves herself with. Each decision matters in Still Joking, and will alter your personal playthrough. Do you want to accept a dodgy cheese roll? What about taking a pretty mirror on an excursion? Perhaps you’d like to get completely drunk or be a total jerk to everyone you come across. Your story will be different from the one I experienced, and I adore that aspect of this game. My playthrough took five hours to complete, but depending on what you choose to do and your reading speed, this time could be shorter or longer.

Still Joking

One thing that I wasn’t completely crazy about is the fact that some subjects that are broached in the narrative are left to the wayside and completely forgotten about. This is affected by your actions in shaping Iris’ journey, but some subjects I was genuinely interested in were never solved or given closure. If I were to play again, these might be answered, but it left me feeling a tad disappointed not to know how certain things were explained.

Surface Level

Still Joking looks fantastic visually. It features a hand-drawn style inspired by graphic novels/comic books, and I loved seeing all the little details that were added. Everything is carefully placed and styled, showcasing how much love and care went into making this a gorgeously illustrated game. The sound effects are realistic as well, with each crack of a mirror or creak of a tree branch immersing me further in this alternate universe. The score is subtle yet complements the story perfectly. There isn’t any voice acting for the human characters, but there is a fully-voiced cat named Apricot in the game. The cat who provides the adorable purrs and meows for Apricot is a total pro and did an excellent job. I wish I could give Hedgehog (the feline voice actor) a head scratch and chin rub for their excellent job.

Still Joking

The Final Verdict

Still Joking is a choose-your-own adventure visual novel that will unfold differently for everyone that plays it. It’s difficult to talk about the story without either spoiling certain narrative beats or revealing something that another player didn’t experience in their playthrough. This is a review obstacle that I’m personally happy to come across, though. I was satisfied with the way my personal journey ended, but I definitely want to return to see how it shifts by making different decisions. The visual and audio aspects are crafted with care, and I adored the multiverse (mirrorverse?) bend of the narrative. I only wish some subjects that were broached had been answered or at least fleshed out a bit more before being dropped like a hot potato when the story progressed. Even with this small complaint, I implore you to check Still Joking out if it sounds like your cup of tea.

To hear me talk more about Still Joking, be sure to listen to the May 15, 2024 episode of The Gaming Outsider podcast around the 1:09:42 time stamp.

This review is based on a Steam copy of Still Joking provided by Evolve PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on PC via Epic Games Store and GOG.

Still Joking


The Final Verdict



  • Everybody Will Experience a Different Story
  • Fully Voiced Cat (I Love You, Apricot/Hedgehog)
  • Carefully Drawn Visuals Evocative of Graphic Novels
  • Choices Genuinely Matter


  • Some Subjects Are Abruptly Dropped and Forgotten

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