Blade Chimera | Steam Deck Review
It’s only January, and I’ve already discovered a game that I’m predicting will make my top ten for 2025. Blade Chimera from Team Ladybug came out of nowhere for me, and is definitely my first surprise hit of the year. My love for the gear-gated genre is well-known amongst this community, but this one does more than simply scratch the itch. It also provides a thought-provoking story, brings a fresh set of game mechanics, and respects the players time. I’ve been very eager to talk about this one since I rolled credits, so let’s get into it.
Twisting Expectations
You are Shin, a soldier from a group known as the Holy Union, an organization that governs the land in the distant future. Your operator sends you on missions that mostly involve eradicating “demons” that are terrorizing humanity. Shin happily fulfills his duties without question. His strength and fidelity with plasma weapons make him a force to be reckoned with. He’s also very much a no-nonsense kind of character. He almost comes across as robotic, following orders without question.
Then he meets Lux, a green demon that inhabits a weapon known as a hover sword. Despite orders to destroy any and all demons, Lux becomes your companion for the remainder of the game. She actually becomes a part of Shin himself, and you learn more about her as your progress through the game. What transpires beyond tiptoes into the realm of spoilers, but there’s a great deal of exposition here. This was very much appreciated, as I feel most games in this genre merely touch on a story to give you purpose. But here it becomes the reason to keep going. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
I’ll be the first to admit that I rolled my eyes a bit at the beginning of Blade Chimera. The setup is (I believe) intentionally cheeky. I felt like I knew exactly where the story was going before any reveals happened. It turns out that I was only partially correct. The writers surprised me with dialogue and character moments that far surpass what I’m used to experiencing in this style of game. It feels more and more rare to use the term “satisfied” when it comes to game’s stories. But that’s exactly how I felt once I finally rolled credits. It’s a fun and unexpected ride.
Hey, This is New
In terms of gameplay, there’s a ton of familiarity present, but also so many novel ideas at the same time. The controls and art style are very reminiscent of Symphony of the Night. Even the animation hearkens back to that classic title. In fact, my only complaint is that I think it almost leans a bit too heavily on that. Remember how Alucard would walk backwards for a split second before finally turning around? Shin does the same kind of movement here, but it somehow comes across as more exaggerated. It’s far from a deal breaker, especially since the game is not designed to require quick, rapid reflexes that games like Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown do. Its movement is more deliberate, giving Shin a persona of a more nimble tank. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it becomes second nature right away.
What’s really interesting is the gear-gated nature of Blade Chimera. Most of your abilities, which can be purchased with level-up points in a simple skill tree, are tied to Lux herself. Your double jump, shield, slide, and other abilities are a function of your companion. With that being said, if you leave Lux stuck in a wall somewhere when you used her as a platform, you will have to recall her before using any of your abilities again. The game also incorporates certain areas that Lux can’t traverse herself, which forces you to figure out how to navigate them without her help. It’s a very clever way to implement puzzle platforming that feels consistently fresh as you go deeper into the game.
I’m also a fan of the combination of ranged and melee weapons in the game. Two face buttons are assigned as weapons, so you can shoot or melee on the fly without going into a menu. What makes this particularly interesting is that range plays a huge factor when shooting a weapon. The closer you are in proximity to an enemy, the more damage they take. Alternatively, you can stand at a safer distance, but it will take more shots to bring them down. It’s a small touch that completely changes my typical strategy, and I love it.
Blade Chimera Final Verdict
What an absolute surprise Blade Chimera was for me. I played it for the gameplay and was shocked at how much I enjoyed its story. The mechanics are unique enough to make it stand out on its own, and the map is a ton of fun to explore. There’s even a “true” ending to discover if you find every collectible. The game also doesn’t waste your time, as it allows you to fast travel to any point on the map at any time. Some might consider this to make the game too easy, but I found it a refreshing way to alleviate backtracking.
Blade Chimera is a game that I believe more people would be talking about if they played it. If you haven’t, do yourself a favor. It far surpassed my expectations, and I hope it has a similar affect on you.
To hear me talk more about Blade Chimera, be sure to listen to our January 29th, 2025 episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast.
This review is based on a Steam copy of Blade Chimera provided by Stride PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on Nintendo Switch.