Going into the new year, the crew at The Gaming Outsider has decided to take the podcast and website into a new direction in order to help grow the show while also delivering the best content that we can. In order to provide awesome content to our listeners, we have launched a Patreon page that helps fund the podcast while also delivering early access and exclusive content to our community. We have been considering going this route for many months and feel that now is the perfect time to launch the Patreon page to help support the show.
Many people may not know that creating a successful podcast requires a lot of hard work, time and especially money in order to keep it afloat. Since we are indeed outsiders and not employed by any entity in the industry, we have to pay for these expenses out of pocket and work on the show in our free time away from our jobs and families. Currently, we have to pay for monthly podcast audio hosting, monthly website hosting, annual domain ownership, software, equipment and all of the games that we cover, completely on our own. In order to help curb the expenses that we rack up in order to create The Gaming Outsider, we’re reaching out to our listeners to help us fund the show and keep delivering awesome content on a weekly basis.
Patreon will not affect what you are already used to getting — a weekly podcast that covers gaming news, community topics and what game impressions. As a reward for subscribing to The Gaming Outsider via Patreon and supporting our show, we will offer special bonuses and incentives each month. These incentives include early access to our spoilercast episodes, sneak peek at our weekly formats, exclusive contests and exclusive access to the revamp and revived Retro Grind podcast as well as any other exclusive content we create each month.
Two very inexpensive tiers are included in our Patreon that makes supporting the show very affordable. A $1 a month contribution will earn you our sincere thanks and gratitude while also allowing you to check out our formats and show notes prior to recording so listeners can check out the behind the scenes recording process and get a taste of what we’ll be discussing that week. The $3 tier will allow listeners to also get exclusive access to special episodes we release each month, including the revival of Retro Grind, our Legacy series of episodes and more. Also, you will receive early access to our spoilercast episodes that dissect specific games and allow us to discuss the spoiler bits after a word of warning. Any games that we purchase with patron money will be given back to the community in the form of contests and raffles once we are done with them.
Head on over to our Patreon page for more information and consider becoming a patron in order to help us keep The Gaming Outsider alive. Your feedback is greatly appreciated too so please let us know how you feel via our Facebook community or our email links above. Thank you so much for supporting us throughout the years and we’re excited to keep delivering fun and positive content to gamers each week! Take a look at our pitch video below.