
Without Escape | PC Review

Bumpy Trail Games recently remastered and released their point-and-click adventure, Without Escape. Originally released on the Xbox 360 as a downloadable indie game, this version offers updated graphics and additional puzzles, nine achievements, and multiple endings.

When I first started playing the game, it felt like your typical point-and-click mystery game. You search a house for clues in order to solve puzzles and locate keys to unlock various rooms in the house. The navigation is simple and straightforward. Gameplay consists of clicking on items to bring them into focus and learn details needed to proceed. Some of the puzzles can only be solved in sequential order. There was really only one puzzle that stumped me and after looking at the forums it looks like I wasn’t the only one.

Without Escape

The setting starts eerily empty and quiet. In the second half, the creep factor was downright jarring, but in a good way. I couldn’t wait to see where the ending would take me. It had what you would expect in a typical horror puzzler: blood, dead bodies, and rotting flesh. The clues you find in each dimension of the house eventually tie together. You find the answers you’ve been searching for since awakening. Even still, you’re left with one final question.

Aside from the one puzzle that stumped me, I enjoyed them, right down to the one added for this version. Although that puzzle was probably the most creative, others came close. One referenced the periodic table of elements, which I assumed I would find a copy of somewhere in the game. I was wrong, however, and had to look up the element numeric value myself. While this is an interesting approach, I think adding a poster or book in one of the rooms would help keep this puzzle from feeling obtuse.

The main endings took a supernatural twist that I didn’t see coming at all. I was torn between calling it genius or bizarre. I was left wanting more, which led me to subsequent playthroughs trying to unlock alternate endings. Unfortunately, they left me just as dissatisfied.

Without Escape

Without Escape Final Verdict

Overall, I enjoyed working through the puzzles in the game and the shock factor of the alternate dimension. If you’re looking to spend some time solving a bizarre set of puzzles you’ll enjoy the game. The game is available on Steam or for $6.99. The soundtrack is also available as DLC for an additional $1.99. However, I would watch for the game to go on sale in Steam instead of paying full price. The length is simply too short, even with multiple playthroughs.


This review is based of of a PC review copy provided by Bumpy Trail Games and Novy Unlimited for coverage purposes.

Without Escape


The Final Verdict



  • Mostly Clever Puzzles
  • Intriguing Story Setup
  • Compelling Setting


  • Unsatisfying Finale
  • Very Short Length
  • Occasional Puzzles That Required Research

Kristina Flores

Kristina has been drawn to electronics from the age of four when she would tag along and watch her mother work at IBM. She seized any opportunity she had to play computer games at the babysitter’s or play NES or Sega over family holidays. Christmas of 1993 she was given her own NES, and that’s when she was truly drawn into the gaming universe. She spent countless hours playing “The Legend of Zelda” with her grandpa and mother. This offered a bonding experience that continues with her own children to their children. Kristina comes to The Gaming Outsider with technical skills to keep both the podcast and the website running smoothly. Without a second thought, she joined The GO Crew because of her passion to see the show continue providing a positive, fun, and interactive community. When Kristina isn’t editing sound files or managing the website, she works as an Agile Product Owner for a medical software company and is finishing her Bachelor’s of Computer Science degree with the focus on computer programming. She has six incredible children, loves reading, singing, binge-watching shows and movies, gaming and playing the piano.

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