
Hardspace: Shipbreaker | PC Early Access Preview

Humans have always been curious about space. It surrounds our little marble of a planet we call Earth. We’ve dreamt of sending humans to the far reaches of our universe. Making a new place to live on Mars or within the rings of Saturn. Curiosity of the vast sea of space has always helped mankind’s dreams takeoff. But there’s a downside to this. When your ship is obsolete and cannot function like it used to, what do you do? You can’t just let it float off into space. There goes a million-dollar ship, with parts that can be recycled or reused. That’s where you come in, Shipbreaker. In Hardspace: Shipbreaker, you get to satisfy that itch of being in space, with only you and your thoughts. Oh and, of course, breaking down ships!

Hardspace Shipbreaker

Break It Like It’s Hot

The dream has become reality. Humankind now owns space around many of the planets. Wanting to witness what it’s like to be in space, you apply for a job at Lynx. Lynx is a shipbreaking company that charges you $999,999,999.99 to train you, lend you the right tools, give you a place to stay, and finally send you into space. Where you now will live out most of your life breaking down ships to earn that money back and make your own savings.

You are instructed on how to break down certain parts, as well as saving pieces that can be used again for other ships. They start you off with a small ship that can be torn down in 20 minutes. Going from the antennas on the top of the ship, all the way down to the life support system aboard the ship. Taking extra precaution though, as most of the ships are pressurized. Meaning you will have to deactivate the pressurization system within the belly of the ship.

Shipbreaker Tools

Within Hardspace: Shipbreaker, you are given a set of tools for you to break down these massive ships with ease. Lynx only lends them to you, so if you break it, you buy it. The first one Lynx leases to you is this laser shooting tool. It is capable of cutting through most metals, mainly aluminum. It also cuts through support beams that are holding the ship together. This tool becomes very handy while taking apart ships.

Hardspace Shipbreaker

The most prized possession, in my opinion, is the beam-like grappling hook. This is what helps you pull parts away from the ship while breaking them apart. You can yank seats out of the cockpits, among other things, and you can pull yourself around with it as well. This tool also features a pushing mechanism, kind of like a force push from Star Wars. You take a piece that you are about to scrap, and you can push it, so it goes flying towards the receptacle of your choosing. Particularly useful for those not so heavy pieces. Which brings me to the last feature of this grappling tool: the tethering grapple. If the item you are trying to dispose of is extremely heavy and the pushing feature doesn’t work, these tethers are your best friend. You can cast a tether to one item or more, then tether them to the scrap bin. Making for an easy time out there in space.   

Cost of Living

Being in debt right out the gate is a horrible feeling, especially if you don’t even own the tools, living quarters, or even the spacesuit. To make matters worse, Lynx also charges you for many other things you need. Like oxygen for your suit while breaking down a ship, tethers for your grapple tool, and even fuel for your thrusters on the suit. And while you dwell on that, Lynx will also be taking their cut of the daily intake. From the bay leasing, living quarter expenses, tool and suit rental, and of course interest for not paying them back in time. So if you made $1,500,000 on salvaging, Lynx takes their $500,000 cut for expenses, which leaves you with the utter feeling of doubt. Like you’re never going to be able to retire. Sounds like they enjoy kicking you while you’re already down.

Hardspace Shipbreaker


An excellent game, Hardspace: Shipbreaker is. A stroke of genius that somehow has me wrapped into constantly playing more. The ability to take apart ships and save the reactor or the thrusters is a feeling worth playing for. Also helping is the extremely satisfying graphics and controls. If you like Animal Crossing, this might be a game you would be interested in. Just in space, by yourself, with no turnips.

This preview is based on an Early Access PC copy of Hardspace Shipbreaker provided by Sandbox Strategies for coverage purposes. It is also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.


Spencer Cushing

Growing up, Spencer was gaming every second he could on the NES, even after his mother would tell him to go to bed. Playing games like Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3, Street Fighter 2010, and his personal favorite: Star Wars. The first console he bought on his own was the PS1 then the Nintendo 64. Which lead him to believe that he could turn his passion into a hobby and forever change the way people think of the video gaming world. Spencer also has been serving in the Army for the last 12 years. After attending and winning the Nintendo Switch Lite at the very first R2V2 Game Con, Spencer jumped at the chance at being the newest Contributing Writer for The Gaming Outsider. Bringing in his knowledge of video games and good looks!

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