
SUPERBALL Ache | Oculus Rift Review

Puzzle games have always been interesting games. I have enjoyed the challenge through the years, mainly with a controller or mouse and keyboard. Now let’s change gears and grab your VR headset, and bring puzzle games to a whole new level. Enter Superball Ache, a puzzle platformer from developer Unknown Format. The game is developed by a single person and it’s impressive for being developed by one individual.


Pandora’s Labyrinth

Superball Ache is a puzzle platformer where you are controlling a ball as you move from one end of the map to another as fast as possible. The game uses control of 6DOF, so you can manipulate how the game controls. Controlling the ball starts every time you drop it into the map, and then control is on your right hand controller with your thumbstick. You can move it any way you want, and can speed up or slow down depending on what is needed. On the left hand there is also a jump button which can come in handy. 

Triggers allow you to move up and down the level, and you can position the camera up or to the sides so you can make sure you don’t roll off the level and have to restart. Superball Ache is meant to be played sitting down and it works fine to play either that way or standing. Honestly, I find it easier to play standing. The game really makes you have to think on your feet, as each level adds new ways to play such as levers to pull as to bring platforms up and down, bombs to throw to blow up parts of the levels so you can get through, cannons to shoot at other parts of the map, and bounce pads. 


Is That a Challenge, Then?

The game has 96 levels of torture to get through, and each of them have their own new challenge to get through. If the ball falls off the map it’s an instant restart from the very beginning. The environment changes as you traverse between 4 different environments. They each have different types of puzzles, and new and frustrating ways to play. Each of the levels has leaderboards and there is a goal for each: gold, silver, and bronze, with times to beat.

When completing a level there is a great feeling of accomplishment, and also a lot of fun to see how you stack up against everywhere else. When trying to go through levels it’s all about trying to learn the best way through each, and there is lots of colorful vocabulary when you are playing this game. It’s like if you put Cuphead and Dark Souls together in a puzzle game in VR.


Superball Ache Final Verdict

I would recommend picking up Superball Ache if you are looking for a challenging puzzle platformer. If you enjoy very hard levels and punishing mechanics that game is definitely for you. There is also a lot of fun to be had with going against others on the leaderboard. There is a lot of value with 96 levels, and you also unlock skins and sound effects for your ball. For hours of play you’re looking at up to 15, depending on how long it takes you to figure out each level. If you like a game like Super Monkey Ball, you might light this but it’s way more unforgiving than Monkey Ball. The game is worth the asking price. If it’s on sale, definitely pick it up and prepare for some rage while playing it.

This review is based on an Oculus Rift copy of SUPERBALL Ache provided by the developer for coverage purposes.



The Final Verdict



  • Leaderboards
  • New Gameplay Mechanics Each Level


  • Punishing Difficulty

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