
Postal 4: No Regrets | Early Access PC Review

Eden‘sin’, AZ

I have never understood everyone’s anger over Monday. Calling it the “case of the Mondays” or the worst day of the week.  However, if you ask ‘Postal Dude’, Monday has to be the worst day of the week by far. Losing your vehicle and camper after stopping at a rest stop gives you every right to hate that day, not because you wish you didn’t have to work. The pain of losing all your belongings is hard, but Postal Dude and his dog Champ, embark on a quest to find the missing camper and possibly a job.

Postal 4

Monday & Tuesday

Finding a job isn’t too tough. Nowadays you can go online, find a job listing, and send them an application or a resume. After that, it’s all in the hands of the company HR. It’s nothing like that in Postal 4: No Regerts. There is no internet for you to find a job. There is only a job recruitment office where the guy running it is a dirty old man, and everything out of his mouth is either a bad word or a sexual innuendo. He helps you find a few jobs, but he is conniving and takes more than half of the money you earn at each location.

One job is an animal catcher position, yet you aren’t trying to find new homes for these cats and dogs. Another is locking up inmates at a prison, after you have killed most of them. You also encounter a madman that has let out an evil virus called ‘Pigeonavirus’. Similar to the Coronavirus, but I don’t think they are lying about the numbers. All in all, Postal 4: No Regerts is a farfetched, out of this world game that is not for the faint of heart.

Postal 4

Final Thoughts

Postal 4: No Regerts hits the nail on the head of stupidity, with the hammer of ridiculousness. Clearly the developers at Running With Scissors have a great sense of humor and know how to make people laugh. Being an open-world action game, you can do whatever your little heart desires. Like running around and beating people with a shovel, setting houses on fire with Molotov cocktails, as well as fighting the whole police force because you felt like skipping out of paying a small ticket fine!

Last thing I will say though; if you don’t like blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, mature humor, or can’t take a joke, this is something to steer clear of. However, if you like games like this, or even know when to laugh at politically incorrect jokes, get Postal 4: No Regerts! Help out the developers and buy that Early Access game! If that isn’t incentive enough, Jon St. John voices Postal Dude, and it is incredible. Not as incredible as Duke Nukem, but still an epic time to hear his voice come to life again.

To hear me talk more about Postal 4: No Regerts, be sure to listen to Episode 311 of The Gaming Outsider Podcast around the 1:06:00 time stamp.

This review is based on an Early Access PC copy of Postal 4: No Regrets provided by Stride PR for coverage purposes.


Spencer Cushing

Growing up, Spencer was gaming every second he could on the NES, even after his mother would tell him to go to bed. Playing games like Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3, Street Fighter 2010, and his personal favorite: Star Wars. The first console he bought on his own was the PS1 then the Nintendo 64. Which lead him to believe that he could turn his passion into a hobby and forever change the way people think of the video gaming world. Spencer also has been serving in the Army for the last 12 years. After attending and winning the Nintendo Switch Lite at the very first R2V2 Game Con, Spencer jumped at the chance at being the newest Contributing Writer for The Gaming Outsider. Bringing in his knowledge of video games and good looks!

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