
Just Die Already | Early Access PC Preview

What do you plan to do with your retirement years? If you plan to let loose and try to cross off some bucket list items, Just Die Already might be the experience you’re looking for. This title is developed by DoubleMoose, the designers behind Goat Simulator. It’s published by Curve Digital, which has a great range of physics-style games such as Human: Fall Flat, Hot Shot Racing, and For the King

Just Die Already

Would You Like a Butterscotch Candy?

Just Die Already is an open-world sandbox game where players get the chance to live out their wildest dreams about retirement. The game starts in a retirement home where it teaches you the basics of moving around and grabbing items and also teaches you ways to explore the world such as finding golden keys to unlock secret areas of the maps with great loot. When starting the game there are four characters to play as. None of them have any backstory or anything, but there is two male and two female characters to choose from.

First mission is to get kicked out of the current retirement home. The game does a good job of giving the player plenty of ways to do this. I found that throwing residents in the piranha tank worked well. Using fireworks and eventually beating the nurse with a giant wooden spoon, I found upstairs allowed me to get kicked out. Once you’re kicked out, the game gives players access to the open world. The open world is a free-for-all; there is not any kind of story here. There is a list of objectives to do that range from easy things like taunting citizens to losing your limbs up to 1000 times. Some can prove more difficult such as climbing 1000 meters on a ladder, which is tough since climbing is extremely difficult.

Just Die Already

Who Brought Metamucil?

With these tasks completed, you’ll unlock tickets for vending machines. There are three different types of machines: Red dispenses weapons such as grenades and katanas, Yellow dispenses items like prescription meds and soda, and Blue is for ticket items is where you can spend tickets on higher items such as black hole grenades, costumes to become a furry, a saw blade gun. If you’re a big spender, you can also unlock retirement in Florida. 

Just Die Already does come in a few different modes: single player, co-op with up to four players, and they added PvP into the game recently. Co-op is a great addition as this game can be a little boring by yourself, and it’s always fun to cause some mayhem with a friend. You will run into a lot of bugs currently since the game is in early access. Most are caused by seeing through walls or flying off the map in a million pieces from hitting a mine. Other annoying things in the game are trying to aim; it’s very hit or miss. Some things like trying to shoot a weapon at a target or shooting a basketball for a ticket are incredibly hard to do. 

Just Die Already

Just Die Already Final Verdict

Just Die Already is a great game that has a lot of promise to come in early access currently, and I can’t wait to see what the developers will add to the game. It has a lot of fun things hidden in the game world to uncover, lots of great weapons, and surprises around each corner. There’s not too many games where you get to use roman candle launchers, bear traps, honey bee grenades, squid guns, and a whole mess of other fun weapons. The ability to lose multiple limbs and still walk around is a great thing that can still complete items off the bucket list without your torso. I would pick this up if you plan to play with a group of friends or really enjoy physics based games.

To hear me talk more about Just Die Already, be sure to listen to Episode 352 of The Gaming Outsider Podcast around the 1:34:55 time stamp.

This review is based on an Early Access PC copy of Just Die Already provided by Renaissance PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.


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