
Bush Hockey League | Switch Review

Bush Hockey League is a throw back to hockey as it was in the mid 70’s. All the teams and players are fictional, not all the players wear helmets, violence is over the top, and not even the refs are safe. In-game newspapers claim that your story mode team, The Brews, were playing while intoxicated, and it sure looks that way. The whole thing feels a bit outdated which is exactly what they were going for.

Bush Hockey League

Vintage Fun 

This is very much an arcade hockey game with a side of brawler. Other than icing and offsides (which you can turn off), not much else is called. In fact, you can hook, slash, and body slam the opponents until you have them removed from the game or you start a fight. Once started, the fighting is not much more than a button masher, however it’s honestly fun to slug away. Having played a lot of the NHL series of games, this representation of hockey is so different that it’s hard to draw a comparison. This is something more like NBA Jam or Super Mega Baseball. Both are fun games, but not a simulation of the sport they represent.

The Good Old Hockey Game

The presentation of the game is really well done. It looks and sounds like something you would have seen in the 70s. The graphics take on this look as well with their color choices and the shading usage. But the sound is what makes this special. Polkas and pipe organ tunes sound out during the action. They even have some true old school licensed music like Stompin’ Tom Connors’ “The Hockey Song”. This was the song that greeted me the first time I booted this up on my Switch. I immediately had to smile, as I grew up hearing that played during games at the local rink. The announcer even sounds period correct.

Fun Story Mode

Story mode is quite a bit of fun. You start midway though the ‘75-76 season with a losing team. Your goal is to turn them around and win the league. Each game presents you with not just a chance to win, but also includes some extra objectives to tackle. Accomplish the objectives and you can unlock some collectible trading cards, and boy do they look like they are from the 70’s. 

Bush Hockey League

Questionable AI

There is no getting around this: the AI is not great. Multiple times I chased after the puck on a breakaway, and my defense decided it’s time for a line change. Not good. Offense isn’t much better, and the guys are rarely in what I would call great positions. One-timers really aren’t a thing, at least not in the way you think. You can pass and shoot, but it does not feel like a one-timer. I also found that if I skate in a circle around the net I can score most of the time with a simple wrist shot as I cross back over. The goalie will release the puck rather than covering it up regardless of how many opponents are stacked around him. This sucks when the other team slaps it right back into the net. You can also forget about winning the face-off. Let the other team get it and then flatten them, knocking them out on the ice. Then take the puck and score.

Control Issues and Long Load Times

The controls feel sluggish, and the game does not have a sense of real speed. This is even reflected in the puck. Trying to clear the puck from the zone feels pointless. It only goes a few feet and then just stops, which feels really off.

Bush Hockey League

For something that is designed to play on the go, its hindered by lengthy loading times. Whether it’s an exhibition or the next game on your calendar in story mode, it takes a full 90 seconds to get into the game. This feels like an incredibly long amount of time and is something that I hope can be patched out at some point.

Final Verdict

The game is fun to play as long as you aren’t expecting a true hockey simulation experience. That being said, if you are looking for something more akin to NBA Jam but on ice this is your ticket.

This review is based on a Nintendo Switch copy of Bush Hockey League provided by Evolve PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC via Steam.

Bush Hockey League


The Final Verdict



  • Excellent Soundtrack
  • Nice Art Style
  • Arcade Feel


  • Long Load Times - 90 Seconds to Load Each Hockey Game From the Select Screen
  • Speed Feels A Bit Slow
  • Ice Doesn’t Feel Slippery - The Puck Doesn’t Glide Down the Ice

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