
Skeleton Crew | PC Review

Go to hell. Bullet hell, that is. Get kicked! Cinder Cone Games kicks things in high gear, into the mayhem that is Skeleton Crew. A wacky action platformer that tests your punting mettle in a magical medieval world. What caught my eye from the first bit I saw on Skeleton Crew was the zaniness combined with the multiplayer aspect. I love playing with friends and family, and I love crazy fun with others even more. Throw in an off-the-wall mechanic such as kicking everything in sight (including your allies) and you need not say more. So when the opportunity arose to give this game a whirl, it was already a done deal.


The world of Karpathia is being threatened by hordes of demons and monsters. The Yeoman Eldritch Extermination Team (Y.E.E.T.), who have come to the aid of the world before, must now reassemble and tackle this new threat head on. What comes to follow is a story filled with comical surprises and action packed sequences.

Skeleton Crew

The story beats in Skeleton Crew are quite charming, yet done with a twist of humor that really puts it over. Even people that were sharing the room with my boys and I, but weren’t playing, let loose a few chuckles here and there. It really is done quite well for a game of this style.

A Kick In The Pants

Skeleton Crew is a combination of a brawler and an action platformer. You and up to three of your friends will choose a character and start kicking butt (literally) on your way to discover what sinister force threatens the kingdom. Along the way, there will be tasks to complete, people and animals to protect, numerous secrets to uncover, and others to find and recruit to your cause. Every character has their own unique abilities, from magical frost projectiles and platform creation to melee spear handling and wall-breaking strength. Every character’s ability lends itself to uncovering and unlocking a part of the game that can not otherwise be reached. In essence, Skeleton Crew is a “gear-gated” experience.

Skeleton Crew

The mechanic that sets this game apart from others out there in the vast sea of platform brawlers is the heavy usage of your characters feet. You will use them to continuously kick everything in sight, including your companions. In what is the most whacky, energetic chaos that I have experienced in some time, this mechanic makes Skeleton Crew a standout smash. Literally anything goes: boxes, helmets, shields, pumpkins, and, as I stated earlier, even your friends will meet your boot as you go. The kicking aspect is also used in more ways than one. While yes, it is extremely useful in combat, it is also often employed in various types of puzzles, usually involving hitting a switch that is conveniently placed in a hard to reach location.

Hand-Drawn Beauty

While Skeleton Crew is done in a beautifully hand-drawn artstyle, the animations presented by such might be a bit off-putting to some. I personally have never been one to care much for aesthetics, so long as the experience is one worthwhile, but it did take some getting used to spacing and timing and such, due to the animations and the way they were presented here. A minor nitpick at most, I worry that some will see the “mobile-esque” graphic design and be turned away. For those that are turned off by this style of animation, I implore you to give Skeleton Crew a chance. What this game has to offer is more than worth a look beyond its appearance.

Skeleton Crew

Final Verdict

Skeleton Crew is a gem of a game if you have friends to play with. Solo play is a bit lackluster, but that’s not where the experience is to be had here. Get your butts on the couch, and kick some butts in an experience that was quick to turn a couple hours into an all nighter in my home. The wacky, comical combat had all of us roaring with laughter, and the action is paced precisely perfect for what it involves. 


This review is based on a PC copy of Skeleton Crew provided by NEONHIVE for coverage purposes. It is exclusive to this platform.

Skeleton Crew


The Final Verdict



  • Crisp and Tight Controls
  • Crazy, Hilarious Fun
  • Really Fun Mechanics


  • Aesthetic Could Be a Turn Off for Some

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