
EPOS GSX 1000 2nd Edition External Sound Card | Hardware Review

Since the days of my youth, I had always dreamed of a world where I could completely immerse myself in the world of a video game, much like the experiences one has when they attend an upscale movie theater. While strides have been made in that direction by game developers across the globe, it still felt as though we couldn’t quite reach the peak of the mountain, like a small but important foothold was missing. Now, with EPOS’ GSX 1000 2nd Edition external sound card, that pinnacle has been climbed, and the flag planted firmly. Sound, while an important part of any game’s atmosphere, is often overlooked by players. I must confess I was guilty of this as well, until I plugged in the GSX 1000 2nd Edition. Now, I don’t play a game without it.

GSX 1000

Functionality Squared

This external sound card serves the same purpose as an internal sound card does: to take the load of processing audio files away from the CPU, freeing up its resources to handle other tasks. While this might seem trivial to modern specs, what sets the GSX 1000 2nd Edition on a level of its own is what it does after it handles its primary duty. Once connected to your computer, headset, and speakers, it becomes a user interface to switch between and adjust both. 

The tactical radial dial makes adjusting volume convenient and easy, with a digital number display on the face of the touch screen to show you what level you’re at. Speaking of the touchscreen, audio bliss is literally at your fingertips with numerous settings you control with just a touch. For example, reverberation levels can be increased or decreased. Sound can also be set to front or rear speakers, or both. The volume of your own voice in your headset can be adjusted, and sound modes can be switched between 2.0 and 7.1 surround. An EQ can even be switched between normal and three presets: esports, music, and movie.

Playing an aggressive shooter such as DOOM Eternal with 7.1 surround headphones through the GSX 1000 2nd Edition was an utterly explosive experience. It legitimately changed the way I felt about playing the game. When an audio device changes your experience by bringing you more awareness of what’s going on around you in a video game, that’s saying something. It should be noted, however, that the 7.1 surround does not support a surround sound speaker system, only 7.1 surround headphones and headsets.

GSX 1000Team Chat Made Simple

The single feature that I find most useful on the GSX 1000 2nd Edition, however, is the chat control for in game communication. So many times I’ve had to go into my settings when I’m playing online with others and find a balance between game volume and chat volume that wasn’t detrimental to my experience. 

Yes, it would always get figured out, but it’s just a tedious step that I’d much rather do without. Enter the GSX 1000 2nd Edition.

Game audio and chat audio, both mic and headset, are designated to their own lines here. When you adjust the game volume using the aluminum main dial, the game’s volume reacts, but your chat volume does not, and vise-versa. Chat volume is adjusted by a smaller dial on the side of the unit. This function alone makes the GSX 1000 2nd Edition an absolute must-have on my rig.

Final Verdict

I have never experienced sound quality like this in a video game before. Hell, I’ve never had an audio experience actually change the way I look at and play a game. What the GSX 1000 2nd Edition does, not only with its audio engine, but also with its dedicated chat line, makes it an addition that I don’t think I can ever live without, now having tried it. Unfortunately, this product is designed solely for the PC, otherwise I would recommend it to all of my console players as well.

To hear me talking more about the EPOS GSX 1000 2nd Edition External Sound Card, be sure to listen to this episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast around the 1:12:15 time stamp.


This review is based on a review unit of the EPOS GSX 1000 2nd Edition External Sound Card provided by Wonacott Communications for review purposes.

GSX 1000 2nd Edition External Sound Card


The Final Verdict



  • Stunning Sound in 7.1 Surround and 2.0
  • Designated Chat Line
  • Ease of Use
  • Sleek, Stylish Design And Lighting
  • Quality Build


  • Steep Price
  • 7.1 Surround Only Supported Through Headphone Line, Not Speakers
  • EQ Is Preset Only, Not Customizable

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