
VGM Essentials: SARE | Video Game Music Album Review

At the ripe old age of 13, SARE, an up and coming UK DJ, made the choice to start making music. Now after being in the Hyper Japan Festival in July and celebrating ten years in the business back in May, SARE, with the help of Firaga Records and a few others, just released SARE

VGM Essentials: SARE. It’s a soundtrack dedicated to remixed video game music. While this is just another great addition to the growing library SARE is becoming known for, this is not Firaga Records’ first video game inspired soundtrack. Working with artists around the world, they reaffirm their focus on music and the games that inspire them. SARE was quoted by saying “My music is inspired by the games I’ve played, and I wanted to express that by adding my own spin. Adding elements like orchestral strings, rock guitars, anything I could find to put in there etc.”

SARE was joined by Slyleaf, RoboRob, arthur x medic, and RoBKTA. Together they bring their own spins and ideas to life in this upbeat and fast-paced electronic album, while still having enough of the source material to make the listener feel nostalgic. The songs are from games that span over decades and a few different types. The songs are also from memorable moments throughout the games. Sure to hit the mark with gamers young and old, SARE also said “The important thing that I’ve learned throughout the production of this whole album was to have fun and to trust the process. This was a huge turning point for me to venture out into trying new things.”

Personally, I hadn’t played all the games he made tracks to. Digging through the list and hearing the difference between the original and the remix was a fun experience in itself. Listening to all the additives to the songs really shows the fun and creativity that was used to make these. As an older gamer, the songs from Super Mario 64, Sonic 3, and Kingdom Hearts put me back into the games, but with a roller coaster of soothing beats, smooth build-ups, and energetic drops, all the songs stand out from the originals.


Needless to say, SARE was very excited about the release of this album and is excited about his up-and-coming adventures at MAGfest 2023, a four day music and video game expo starting January 5th. If you want to know more or to follow SARE, he and his music can be found at Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, Youtube, and many more with the tag officialSARE.

To hear me talk more about VGM Essentials: SARE, be sure to listen to our 12/23/22 Episode of The Gaming Outsider around the 1:10:53 time stamp.

This review is based on a digital copy of the album provided by Vicarious PR for coverage purposes.


VGM Essentials: SARE


The Final Verdict



  • Nostalgic
  • Upbeat


  • There's Not More of It

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