
Stardander School for Witches | Early Access Steam Deck Review

So many of us are captivated by the idea of magic. If we could actually fly or shoot fireballs, the world would be even more chaotic than it already is. Thankfully, that scenario isn’t happening anytime soon. You can vicariously live out your witch/wizard fantasy in Stardander School for Witches, though. Fancy Fish Games has crafted a complex, fascinating world that grips you from start to finish. I just wish I could currently play even more of this incredibly fun game.

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Stardander School for Witches places you in the shoes of four different young women who are attending the academy. You start off as Callie, who’s family is being blackmailed by a powerful Celestial Protector. She must go to the magical school and become a successful witch or else. As you progress through the academic year, you learn about the mysterious nature of the academy and its professors, and are tasked with solving strange occurrences. 


You won’t only be solving mysteries, though. Just like in actual school, you’ll need to study, befriend the other students, and focus on specific areas of interest to grow your expertise. Unlike real life, you also have to battle fae in the woods and partake in flying practice. You have limited time to do these tasks, so deciding which two areas you should dedicate your precious minutes to each month requires careful thought. It can be a bit overwhelming trying to wrap your head around all of these mechanics at the beginning of the game, but I acclimated pretty quickly to the demands of Stardander.

The Witching Hour

Stardander isn’t just one genre of game. It encompasses elements from visual novels, turn-based RPGs, and management sims. It mostly succeeds at mixing all of these together, but it does slightly falter with the management aspect. The impact of your choices aren’t felt until the end of the academic year, where you learn new spells depending on what you chose to focus on the most. The turn-based combat is also fairly tough even on the normal difficulty setting. Using buffs and defensive maneuvers is of paramount importance in battle. Failing to utilize these mechanics will quickly cause you to end up with a Game Over screen. I appreciated the challenge and strategy required, but it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.


The story is what truly hooked me. I became invested in the lives of all four girls. Learning how they ended up at the academy and which Celestial Protector they’re allied with was fascinating and always more than a bit sad. Each of them are traumatized in some way, and seeing them confront their fears and overcome obstacles was truly rewarding. You as the player can’t influence the story too much, but there are certain choices that pop up that allow you to strengthen a certain trait of each girl. Will you pull a prank on a school bully or take the high road and ignore her? How about following your professor to see what he’s up to or just minding your own business? It’s in your hands.

The Final Verdict

I didn’t encounter any bugs during my seven hours with Stardander, and this title is already incredibly polished in its Early Access state. The graphics are charming and the score is whimsical, adding an extra touch of magic to the game. It can be a tad tricky to wrap your head around the different mechanics at the beginning, but it’s easy to acclimate. Learning about the backstories of each girl and the mysteries of the academy is absolutely gripping, and the strategic element of the turn-based battles was rewarding. I felt like I was truly living a life full of magic while playing, and this is an easy recommendation for anyone who loves properties centering around schools of magic. Now to patiently wait for the full release…


To hear me talk more about Stardander School for Witches, be sure to listen to the September 27, 2023 episode of The Gaming Outsider podcast around the 1:12:57 time stamp.

This review is based on an Early Access Steam copy of Stardander School for Witches provided by Vicarious PR for coverage purposes. It is exclusive to this platform.


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