
Lawn Mowing Simulator | Xbox Review

If you’ve happened to click on this review, I’d venture to say that you and I might have something in common. And that something in common might be our love for taking care of our lawns. Yes, I’ve reached that level of “old man” where I take pride in the hard work I put into making my yard look as immaculate as possible. You know, that small piece of land that almost nobody but me sees or appreciates. If you’ve ever stood in pride with your fists on your hips while you stared at the perfect criss-cross pattern in the beautiful green that surrounds your home, then you might want to take notice of Lawn Mowing Simulator.

Lawn Mowing Simulator

All Kinds of Satisfaction

I know, some people might not believe that this is a real game. I mean, who would actually want to play a video game based on a chore? Hey, If Animal Crossing can make it fun, so can Skyhook Games. And this is the real deal, I assure you.

As you start you own personal lawn cutting business, you start at the bottom. It’s just you, one of two low-end riding mowers of your choosing, a trailer, and more lawns than you can count. Each customer requires a certain length for their lawn to be cut, a specific time frame to complete it, and a required percentage of the grass cut.

Mastering the controls of your mower takes very little time or effort. Within no time, you’ll be zipping around yards and collecting paychecks. You’ll even have to maintain your machine with your hard-earned cash. Not to mention you’ll need to do your best to keep your mower from being damaged. This includes walking the yard to pick up pieces of debris. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s all part of the experience, except without the sweat. And I love it.

It’s difficult to express how satisfying it feels to slowly pick away at a large lawn until its manicured. It just feels…good. Kind of like power washing your patio. If there’s a more relaxing game that released this year, I have yet to play it. While playing Lawn Mowing Simulator, I felt almost bummed when a job was done. Thankfully, there’s plenty more lawns to mow.

Lawn Mowing Simulator

Build Your Empire

Lawn Mowing Simulator has a basic character creator that allows you to do your best to match to your own features. You can also choose a business logo/name and choose where to put it on your business shirts. And that’s only the beginning of building your empire.

The more lawns you mow, the more money you earn. Eventually, you can purchase more mowers and space to store them. Then you can hire additional mowers to tackle the other lawns in the neighborhood, taking your cut for good measure. At the end of the day, this is just as much a business simulator as it is actual mowing. It almost makes me wish I could use it as a teaching tool for my students when I read them a book called Lawn Boy every year. They’d definitely get a kick out of it.

Running the business side is as equally satisfying as mowing. Once the cash starts flowing, you start to really feel like a business owner. The satisfaction continues.

Lawn Mowing Simulator

Lawn Mowing Simulator Final Verdict

Look, I get it. Lawn mowing isn’t as cool as slaying dragons or storming Castle Wolfenstein. But every once in a while, I appreciate a relaxing experience. Lawn Mowing Simulator is that perfect “sit and chill with a purpose” type of game. It might not be for you, but I’ve had a ton of fun with it and can’t wait to dive in for more. Outside of a minor glitch where my lawnmower wound up in the sky (it made for a hilarious video), I’ve had no issues with the game. It’s only real downfall is that it’s not going to be for everybody. I understand that not everyone needs that type of itch scratched, and that’s fine. It worked for me, and I hope it works for you.

This review is based on an Xbox copy of Lawn Mowing Simulator provided by Renaissance PR for coverage purposes. It is also available on PC via Steam.

Lawn Mowing Simulator


The Final Verdict



  • Immensely Satisfying
  • Relaxing, Soothing Experience
  • Building Your Empire Feels Great


  • Minor Glitches
  • Won't Be for Everyone

Scott Clark

Scott has been a fan of pushing buttons since he was old enough to climb up to his father’s stereo as a toddler. His first console was the Atari 2600 back in the early 80’s, and his passion for the hobby shines through his excitement and wish to share his experiences with anyone who will listen. Scott began his podcasting career with “The Official Thread Podcast”, which was dedicated to news, impressions, and general topics about the subject of video games. That coupled with over four years of experience with “The Hollywood Outsider Podcast” has given him the reputation of being the “every man”, in that he gets along with almost everyone he interacts and also doesn’t speak down to his audience.

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